Tom Koster
Welcome to the Sportclub Works Junglinster. My name is Tom and I am looking forward to welcome you here. After a long period of training and the subsequent search for a space and concept, I am happy to be able to open this sports club. I am very happy that such different and interesting trainers are taking part and make the offer so great and special. Personally, I offer Hatha Yoga, also individual coaching and Prana treatments. None of this would have been possible without my family, my dear and patient girlfriend and of course my teachers. Thanks to the Institute for Energy Work Vienna, the best teachers worldwide :) Thanks also to www.pranayoga-stuttgart.de2 Herz Meditation
Prana Behandlung/LIN Behandlung
Prana Behandlung. Bitte telefonisch oder per Mail Termin ausmachen.
Yoga individual course or private group
Individual care.
Also small groups max. 5
Please make an appointment by phone.
Yoga - Anfänger
Stärkt den Körper, bringt Ruhe, Kraft, Bewusstsein.
Prana 1 Seminar
Momentan nicht buchbar
- 07:00
- 08:00
- 09:00
- 10:00
- 11:00
- 12:00
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- 14:00
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- 16:00
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- 20:00
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- 22:00
- 23:00
- Montag 20.01
- Dienstag 21.01
- Mittwoch 22.01
- Donnerstag 23.01
- Freitag 24.01
- Samstag 25.01
- Sontag 26.01